Trainings and Consultation

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For group consultations or presentations, please contact Michelle directly for a price quote. In your inquiry, please include information about the event, time, and location. 

Michelle offers professional consultation to mental health professionals, healers, and individuals interested in learning more about holistic practices and feminine forms of healing. Additionally, Michelle is available for personal tutoring for individuals wanting to learn Reiki or Tarot. 

Consultation and Tutoring 

60 minute consultation for professionals | $125

Trainings and Workshops

The High Priestess, The Empress, Strength, and The Star card…there are many cards in the Tarot deck that highlight the power of the feminine. Yet, we often overlook the healing powers of the feminine in our society in favor of more masculine Westernized standards of healing. These standards often ignore or pathologize women's and non-binary individuals' experiences, leading to further shame and stigma. However, by understanding the power of the feminine in Tarot we can reclaim the divine feminine aspects within ourselves to own our divinity and help others do the same.

Workshop Overview: Designed for Tarot Readers, healers, and anyone who has felt subjected as a woman or non-binary individual in a hyper-masculine world, this workshop is designed to heal individuals and reclaim their sacred power through embracing the feminine. Exploration of the feminine archetypes will be discussed in the Tarot as their healing properties. In addition, participants will also identify their own female archetype in the Tarot (regardless of their gender) and how it can be used as a tool for self-reflection. Implications for spreads/self-reflective exercise will be discussed and active participation is required. This workshop is open to all genders, regardless of how one identifies, and will discuss ways to integrate the divine masculine and feminine aspects within oneself.

Workshop Details:
• Dates: Friday, August 16th
• Time: 12 PM – 3:30 PM CST
• Location: Virtual (Zoom link will be provided)
• Cost: $111

What You Will Learn:
• The 7 feminine archetypes in the Major Arcana.
• Understand the importance of the use of gender in the Tarot and how it can be used as a tool for self-insight.
• Discuss how the Heroine’s Journey relates to the Fool’s Journey in the Tarot and how it can be seen as a feminine model of healing.
• Engage in Tarot spreads and self-reflective exercises to reconnect and honor your own divine feminine aspects.
• Connect with other individuals to foster a collective healing experience.

Maiden, Mother, Crone: Understanding the Power of the Divine Feminine in Tarot

Are you interested in learning about Tarot but feel overwhelmed by the prospect of memorizing the meanings of all 78 cards? Maybe you’ve tried to teach yourself Tarot in the past but never found the time to read all the books or practice on your own. Or perhaps you feel lost and confused learning it all on your own, with so many books and resources to choose from, how do you know which one is right for YOU? If any of these statements ring true, this workshop is tailored just for you!

Workshop Overview: Designed specifically for beginners with little to no prior knowledge of Tarot, this comprehensive two-day workshop offers an intuitive approach to understanding Tarot as a powerful tool for self-reflection. This course avoids the tedious memorization of each card's meaning and instead draws on the insights of numerous Tarot experts to present an engaging, digestible training experience. Participants will engage in activities and self-reflective exercises to deepen their understanding of the cards from both the reader's and querent's (client's) perspectives. In addition, the workshop will also explore how to develop participants' awareness of their own identity as healers when providing readings through exploration of the cards' symbolism and identification of their life-path.

Workshop Details:
• Dates: TBD
• Time: 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM CST (includes a 30-minute lunch break)
• Location: Virtual (Zoom link will be provided)
• Cost: $222

What You Will Learn:
• The meanings of all 78 Tarot cards using an intuitive approach.
• How to introduce Tarot to others and explain its benefits from a psychological perspective.
• Three or more commonly used card spreads and how to use Tarot imagery as a projective technique for self-reflection
• Practice giving and receiving Tarot readings with fellow participants.
• How to develop your personal style as a Tarot reader/healer to enhance the depth of your readings.
• How to use Tarot to identify your life path and gain greater insight into your life's purpose.

The Hermit is a perfect card that represents the archetype of a therapist. This mysterious figure leads the Fool into their inner world (or the unconscious) through their journey to enlightenment (or Actualization) helping him reconcile their shadows and break barriers. This is not unlike what we do as therapists in our psychotherapy offices. Thus, Tarot is a perfect vehicle to replicate the therapy process and can be used in creative ways to help clients access their own intuitive wisdom.

Workshop Overview: Designed specifically for therapists (Counselors, Social workers, Psychologists, etc.) and other mental health professionals, this workshop provides a detailed overview of how a therapist can integrate the power of the magical 78 cards into a session. The use of specific spreads to use with clients will be discussed, as well as ways to integrate Tarot into pre-existing counseling theories (Person-Centered, Gestalt, and Jungian). This training is informed by the presenter’s extensive research and years of experience on this topic and includes direct case study examples from her psychotherapy practice. Documentation implications will also be discussed.

Workshop Details:
• Date: Friday, September 20th 
• Time: 12 PM - 5:30 PM CST (includes a 30-minute break)
• Location: Virtual (Zoom link will be provided)
• Cost: $111

What You Will Learn:
• How to introduce Tarot in sessions and explain its psychological benefits.
• Explain how the Fool’s journey in Tarot aligns with current counseling theories to inform your theoretical orientation.
• How to use Tarot imagery as a projective technique for client self-reflection.
• Discuss 3 or more spreads/techniques for using Tarot in session and provide step-by-step procedures for implementing them.
• Discuss how to document your use of Tarot in session and understand the ethical implications.

Images that Heal: A Beginners’ Guide to an Intuitive Approach to Learning Tarot

Embodying the Hermit: How to Incorporate Tarot into your Therapeutic Practice

All payments for trainings are done through Stripe. Please email Michelle directly to sign up. 

(832) 304-9382

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