Trainings and Consultation

For group consultations or presentations, please contact Michelle directly for a price quote. In your inquiry, please include information about the event, time, and location. 

Dr. Robichaux offers professional consultation to mental health professionals, healers, and individuals interested in learning more about holistic practices and feminine forms of healing. Additionally, Dr. Robichaux is a licensed professional counselor supervisor in the state of Texas. For information about Dr. Robichaux's supervision availability please contact her directly.  

Consultation and Supervision

60 minute consultation for seasoned professionals | $125

60 MINUTE CONSULTATION FOR students/LPC-Assoicates  | $85

contact Dr. Robichaux

Trainings and Workshops

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(832) 304-9382

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Thanks so much for reaching out! I'll get back to you within 48 business hours.