psychotherapist, Reiki Master and healer



let’s work together

the snake reminds us that from self awareness, we can Shed the old versions of ourselves, so that we can heal and transform.

Across time and many cultures, snakes have symbolized the regenerative powers of the psyche and the cyclical nature of the human condition. The Ouroboros, which roots date back to accident Egypt, is just one example of this image. Furthermore, snakes have long been associated with feminine power. In history and in myths, women like Cleopatra, Medusa,  and even Taylor Swift, have all been associated with this mystical and intriguing creature.

From the depths of our shadow, we find our greatest light

I'm frequently told by my clients that I am  like your 'dark fairy godmother'. And while I (unfortunately) can't wave a magic wand and make all your dreams come true, I can sit across from you as you navigate the dark and unknown parts of you. In our work together, nothing is off limits, just like life. Together we will explore the ups and downs of the human experience and hold space for everything that comes up in between.

I consider myself a hippie from Austin, who is just the right amount of “woo” with a deep passion to uncover and understand the human psyche. This interest, started early in my development, and led me to explore subjects like psychology, philosophy, art, mythology, and wide array of holistic healing practices. Therefore, my ultimate goal as an intuitive healer is to assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, whether it is through traditional psychotherapy, reiki, or tarot to discover your highest potential!

I'm Michelle.

hey there, 

When we know our inner light, it’s a lot harder to dull ourselves for others.


Brainspotting Phase 1 Practitioner

Usui Reiki Ryoho (Level I & II) SPICA (Level III)

Completed June 2024

Certified Jungian Tarot Reader


licensed professional counselor (LPC)

The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

bachelor of arts in psychology

Louisiana State University (LSU)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

masters of education in counseling

Sam Houston State University (SHSU)
Expected Graduation: December 2024

Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine: A Qualitative Exploration of Female Counselors use of Reiki and Tarot



Reiki Master

national certified counselor (NCC)

Completed January 2024

let’s work together

Current treatment practices in psychotherapy and western medicine, often discount the importance of the body and the wisdom that older, traditional healing techniques hold. These holistic forms of healing include techniques such as reiki, tarot, yoga, chakra and energy work, tapping, acupuncture and many more.

That is why I like to incorporate them all into our work.

These techniques, arguably more relational in nature, are seen as less important due to western standards around performance and symptom management, rather than getting to the root of one’s suffering. Despite this bias, mine and others research confirms that throughout history healers of all forms have existed, and majority of these healers were women or non-binary individuals! These individuals, often called “wise women" would perform rituals to heal individuals’  minds, bodies and souls (the self). Thus, the wisdom of our ancestors and modern Indigenous populations contains a wealth of knowledge and value, that western society has yet to fully understand or embrace. 

Not your standard approach to treatment.

Throughout history, humans have tried to understand themselves using different forms of healing. A common theme among these approaches is that when we experience trauma, suffering or other forms of wounding, we become disconnected from the core parts of us, which leads to psychological, emotional, relational and physical distress. Therefore, when this form of soul loss occurs, we are forced to hide parts of ourselves as a form of protection. As a feminist and intuitive healer, I use a depth-oriented approach with women and marginalized individuals to help them uncover and reconnect to the core parts of themselves, so that they can reclaim their divine light within. 

My Approach to Healing

explore psychotherapy

This is what inspired me to integrate the knowledge I acquired through my training in psychology, with the power of more feminine forms of healing, to create a truly transformative healing approach. Therefore, in our work together we will combine these approaches to treat your mind (The masculine/western approach), and body (The feminine/eastern approach), to fully heal your psyche. Reclaiming your divinity. 

I am no stranger to the damage these patriarchal systems can cause having gone through this process of awakening myself.

As a child, I always had an interest in traditional and holistic forms of healing, which was fostered by my grandmother who introduced me to the power of astrology at a young age. This interest, led me to want to become a healer for others, and so I decided to pursue a career in counseling. However, while my education provided me with a strong foundation in Western psychological theory, I subsequently found myself feeling disconnected from my intuition and body, as I attempted to implement the “standardized approaches” I was taught through my training. 

Luckily through reiki, I was able to rediscover my love of the esoteric spiritual practices I grew up with and regain the creative and intuitive parts of myself that I had previously abandoned through my educational training. Thus I became a Reiki Master to help others connect with their own divine wisdom and find their inner light within.

My Reiki Master Journey 

let’s work together

explore reiki healing

The calling to do Tarot came to me in a dream, in the middle of my PhD program. I walked into a room with an open casket to find myself lying in it. Shocked and confused, I was ushered into a room where a man (dressed like a Magician), was shuffling a pack of Tarot cards. He handed me his deck stating that I needed to acquire my own.

At the time of this dream I was becoming more interested in Jungian Therapy and dream analysis, so I knew immediately that this dream held archetypal significance for me. The symbolism of death, felt like a Kundalini awakening had just occurred in my psyche and my inner Animus (The Magician, a card often associated with positive masculine aspects in Tarot.), was calling me to become reawakened with myself. When I awoke, following the guidance of my inner Animus, I purchased my first Tarot deck and have collected many more since.

In learning Tarot, I became enchanted by the ways the cards reflect the human condition and their rich archetypal meanings. When I throw the cards,  I combine my knowledge and understanding of the human psyche with the intuitive and creative messages I and my clients find in the cards meanings, to create a truly unique and collaborative approach. Thus, I view Tarot as a way for individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and gain clarity to the questions they seek on a spiritual, psychological and transpersonal level.

My Story with Tarot 

Book a session

Expolre Tarot 

What are common themes or patterns in your life and in your dreams? Identifying themes can help us uncover the deeper meaning behind your behavior or thoughts.

What kinds of music, movies/shows, books resonate with you? How do these characters in these stories reflect how you see others, the world and yourself?

Are you open to using tarot or discussing archetypes in session?

Are you open to exploring body-based techniques and/or using more creative forms of expression (like drawing, sandtray, etc.)?

Where are you most at peace? When do you feel most aligned to your true nature?

Here are some things we may talk about in session...

still not sure if it's a good fit?

What are common themes or patterns in your life and in your dreams? Identifying themes can help us uncover the deeper meaning behind your behavior or thoughts.

What kinds of music, movies/shows, books resonate with you? How do these characters in these stories reflect how you see others, the world and yourself?

Are you open to using tarot or discussing archetypes in session?

Are you open to exploring body-based techniques and/or using more creative forms of expression (like drawing, sandtray, etc.)?

Where are you most at peace? When do you feel most aligned to your true nature?

Here are some things we may talk about in sesssion...

still not sure if it's a good fit?

(832) 304-9382

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